
Monday, February 20, 2012

Show Chickens 2012!

Mom got a call from the Post Office this morning at 6 that our show birds were here! She went to pick them up and had them home by 7:00. We then counted all 150 of them and only had one dead. We've had several dead on arrival before, so it was a pretty good mortality rate. They were really loud and pretty hungry when we put them in the brooder (which is actually an old army trailer with heat lamps attached). Instead of just a few breeds, we got Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Black Australorps, Barred Rocks, Golden Laced Polish, Brown Leghorns, Speckled Sussex, Egyptian Fayomouis and Aracunas. We're going to raise them out to 16 weeks, then sell off most of the hens as started pullets. The fancy birds (Polish, Leghorns and Fayomouis) we're going to keep until fair time. More pictures will be posted as they get older!


  1. Okay, I have a question. Were you homeschooled?

  2. Yes, I am homeschooled (still in 10th grade). Why do you ask?

  3. Because if you were, I am going to add you books to my list of books by homechool authors here

  4. Oh cool! That's really nice of you.
