
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Encourage one another!

The other day, a friend of mine made this comment, "Boys are just all stupid!". While I tend to agree with her on most other things, this comment somewhat concerned me. So, I decided to do what any writer does and write a bit of a rant about it.

Feminism is so prominent in our culture now. Women are now saying that they can do just the same things as men and that men are dumb animals. Instead of letting a man be a man, he's now belittled and sometimes teased or not taken seriously when he does something manly. By acting this way toward a man, women are discouraging him from stepping up and taking the lead!

Eric Ludy says in his co-authored book 'When God Writes Your Love Story', "when a woman says something to a man, it stays with him forever and can change him."

Ladies, we not realize it, but our words have SO much power. If all we ever say to our brothers or fathers or male friends is, "Oh you're just a guy, you're so dumb," they'll act like it. Nothing else is expected of them but to be a big meathead, so why on earth would they strive to do anything better? 

However, on the flip side, your words can be used for encouragement and so much good! Thank a guy when he opens a door for you and he'll feel more motivated to do it again. Encourage your brother when you see him step up and take the lead and he will want to do it again to impress you. The comment of a woman stays with a guy forever, whether it be good or bad. Pick your words carefully and use them to help, and not harm, our brothers in Christ. 

We're called to be encouraging to each other and this applies not only to our brothers and fathers, but also the guys around us--our brothers in Christ. So ladies, next time you're tempted to point out something that's annoying and condescending to a guy, rethink it and consider what effect it will have on him. Instead, encourage him towards Godly manhood.

Let no corrupting talk come from out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.--Ephesians 4:29

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