
Thursday, November 15, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 15 (Halfway done!)

Total word count: 25,102
Words written today: 2,280

Woo-hoo! Halfway done with the month!

However, I'm not halfway done with my novel. I'm getting close, but there is no way this story is going to end in 25,000 more words.

Eli finally starts figuring some important things out in the chapters I've written. This is moving the story along nicely, although I'm going to have to fix up some things with dialogue to make it flow better. I put in another fist fight, so I have to go back and make sure that's realistic.

I've also decided my story begins much too slowly. There is an exciting (or, it will be exciting after editing) scene in the beginning and then a couple more things, but I feel like I've just been "telling" for the past chapter . Some things do just need to be told I guess.

At the beginning of the month, I wasn't sure if I'd make it to the halfway point. I was pretty sure I'd be burnt out by now. Just the opposite though! Still going strong. I can do 15 more days of this. Hopefully that isn't my tiredness and slightly brain-dead self being over-confident.


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