
Friday, November 23, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 23

Total Word Count: 37,025
Words Written Today: 2,731

Quote: "Are you crazy, Walker?”
            I shrugged again. “Maybe. Those are my terms. Do you agree?” - Dialogue between Charles and Eli, Chapter 11.

Writing this week has been kind of touch-and-go with Thanksgiving being in the middle of the week. I was starting to get really down about my book. It's really frustrating sometimes to just keep writing and writing and feeling like you have no idea what you're doing. And of course, it doesn't help that I like things to work out right the first time. I'm getting over that though. 

Today I went to the library from 3:30-6:00. I did some schoolwork and then started writing. Since I was short of ideas on how to move on, I started writing out what the Inciting Incident, Embracing Destiny, Black Moment and Showdown moments in my novel were. As I started writing all these, ideas for how to keep going came.

This morning I was sure that the only way to keep writing the novel was to end it. It really didn't seem like there was anything else I could do. Thankfully, that is not the case! I came up with a workable idea that should hopefully show some more conflict between the villain and the MC before I bring the story to a close.

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! And if you went Black Friday shopping and are reading this, I'm glad you didn't get trampled and killed.

Chazak Amats!

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