
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 7 (No, I didn't write today)

As the title says, I did not write today. I was a bad girl.

However, I DID go over my outline. I think I'm unstuck now! The two big planning things I have for this novel are a 1,500 word summary and then a list of the events that need to happen. I read over the list of events and figured out where I was stuck. Tomorrow (if I have a chance to write) should be a good day.

My writing tip for today: Outlines are useful things if you use them.

I thought this was funny. It pretty much described me yesterday. Except I was finished a riveting episode of Robin Hood. 

On a side note, I went to the library today and checked out quite a few books on the Civil War. I got one about the battle of Antietam, the First Battle of Bull Run, Civil War weapons, Soldier's lives in camp during the war and...I think there was something else. I can't remember the name of it though. :P


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