
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cricket night (description)

I lay back on the hammock and push off with my feet. It sways side to side slowly and I close my eyes. A cool breeze blows through the pines around me and I inhale the fresh scent. Crickets chirp all around, their chorus almost deafening. The soft hum of an engine can be heard in the distance and I open my eyes. A plane flies overhead and I can barely make out its lights through the tree branches.

The breeze starts to blow stronger and I wrap my jacket tighter around me. Pine needles  click against each other above me, adding to the cricket’s chorus. A owl hoots in the tree above me and I open my eyes wide, trying to catch a glimpse of him. The light from the full moon reveals his silhouette perched high at the top of the tree. I can barely see his head turning from side to side as he searches for prey. Silently, he launches himself from the branch and glides down into the grass behind me. 

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