
Sunday, November 11, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 10

Total word count: 17,000
Words written yesterday: 3,000

This post is a bit late. I didn't have the time to write it up until now and my computer was dead. So, that made it a little tough.

As most of you probably know from my "Destination: Fairlawn" post, we were in the car all day yesterday. I managed to get 3,000 words written, mostly due to the fact that my sister and I managed to blow a fuse on the power adapter. Dad bought a new fuse today, so I should be able to write more tomorrow.

I started using my outline again and my book is going SO much better than the end of last week. I will not be straying from my outline ever, ever again...I hope. We'll have to see what the rest of the month brings.

Tomorrow my plan is to write AT LEAST 5,000 words. I'd like to get to 30,000 tomorrow, but that might be a little unrealistic.'s a really long drive.

I'm not planning on writing today, but if I do, I'll try to blog about it.

Until tomorrow!

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