
Friday, November 2, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 2

Total word count: 6,009
Words written today: 2,758

2 days down, 28 to go! Today was awesome. I came to the library around 9:30, did a little bit of school and then got to some writing. I'm getting to more interesting part (at least, I think) in my story.

At 11, I went to my online Civil War class and we all talked about how expensive the war was.

I wrote pretty consistently this afternoon, with a break for some novel planning with a friend in between. I'm starting to get even more excited about this story than I was before.

Eli (Elijah) Walker, my main character.

 A word picture with the most commonly used words from my book (so far).

The pocketwatch Eli gets from Elijah Walker I.

In addition to my awesome writing, I found two books. One is a science fiction research guide for authors and the other is a Historical Fiction genre guide. I'm really looking forward to reading them. The funny thing is, I was sitting by the shelf they were on all day and didn't see them until about 1:45 PM.

Emily and I also had some interesting discussions about internet history and bodies falling from ceilings, trees, and the sky. The library workers probably think we're very strange now. Oh well.

Sadly, I have to take the SAT tomorrow morning, so that's going to cut into my writing time. Silly test. At least it won't take too horribly long to complete.

Auf Wiedersehen!

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