
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NaNoWriMo - Day 6 (Any volunteers?)

Total word count: 14, 553
Words written today: 1,805

I said at the beginning of NaNo that I'd be honest in my posts. So, I'm going to be honest. I really don't like my story right now. I'm pretty sure I just rambled for an entire chapter, so I'll be taking that out when I edit. I really need to look at my story outline again and see if I can figure out what's going wrong.

So, I was wondering if anyone would like to volunteer to write my novel for me!

Just kidding. I probably should just suck it up and finish. I mean, I've got 24 more days left. I can survive...right?

The plan for tomorrow (or whenever I have the chance to write again) is this (and in no particular order):
-Read over my outline again to figure out what's wrong
-Eat chocolate and drink coffee for motivation
-Listen to epic music
-Pray about it

I know every author probably thinks this, but I really think that--if I do it right--this novel has potential. So, I'm probably being harder on myself than I should.

I'm just going to keep reminding myself that December is now officially 'National Novel Editing Month'. NaNoEdMo.

Until tomorrow!

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