
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Update on writing.

I'm rather ashamed to say I've not been writing as much as I should lately. This is partially due to the fact that I've been pretty busy with school. The annoying thing about being busy is that I always seem to get tons of awesome ideas, or random bits of ideas...and of course, no time to write any of them.

I have a new novel started and it's called #754. A simple way to describe it would be to say it's a combination of Beauty and the Beast, The Holocaust, Esther and Moses. Yes, that's quite a combination. I'll hopefully do a post describing it more in detail shortly, but for now, here is a (working) synopsis:

Kiah is poisoned, or so says the government. She and all like her are forced to live in a prison camp and work until their death. No parole, no reprieve. It's for life. One day, Kiah decides she has to change her life and narrowly manages to escape from the prison. She ends up working in the house of the governor, the man she hates more than anyone else. For years, she's built up this image of him being a gnarly beast and biting off anyone's head who came near him. But that's not the case. Much to her dismay, she actually starts to like him. She starts out as a maid for just a weekend party, but he hires her on for longer. Word eventually reaches him that a poisoned has escaped. Will the governor discover Kiah's secret?

In case you're wondering about the title, #754, it's Kiah's prisoner number. She has it tattooed right below her elbow in black with an arrow above it. All prisoners have a similar tattoo. 

Another idea I had has to do with WW2 and Auschwitz, one of the main places Nazis used for extermination of the Jews during the war. I was doing some reading for my World War 2 class and found out that the prisoners arranged a secret newspaper. They managed to smuggle information out to the Polish resistance, some of which helped capture Nazi perpetrators after the war had ended. Having a great Uncle who fought in the war, it's always been a big source of interest for me. I've wanted to write a book based in that time period for quite a while, but struggled with how to make it un-cliche in the mass market of WW2 historical fiction already out there. I think I've found the way to do it.

I have a couple other bits of ideas, but they don't really fit into anything I have yet. Seems like almost anything can spark a novel idea.

The plan is to have the rough draft of #754 finished by June, the final version by August 1st and to start the Auschwitz one in September. That one will need a lot of planning and I'll need to make sure everything is historically accurate. I'm thinking of changing my favorite genre to historical fiction now.

When I was at the library yesterday, I checked out 15 rather large books on various aspects of the war, so I'm looking forward to reading those. I hope to be writing again soon, but schoolwork has to come first right now. The good news is that classes end in three weeks, so I'll have more writing time once they're over. Believe me, that can't come soon enough.

I suppose I shall stop rambling about my writing now (except, the blog IS called Writer's Ramblings. Guess it's an accurate title.). Be looking for a few writing articles in the near future!

Auf Wiedersehen!

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