
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

NaNoWriMo Update for the past week.

Total word count: 47,790
Words written since 11/26: 5,710

I haven't really been posting much the past few days. Obviously. I've been a little busy preparing for the SAT  on Saturday, so that's taken priority over blog posts.

Novelling is going quite well. I am almost finished with the rough draft and know exactly where I need to go. I'll probably get to 50,000 words tomorrow, but the novel won't be quite finished by then. I think the finished thing (this time around, anyways) will be around 52,000 words. When I go back and edit, it will get longer. There are lots of description things I need to add and lots of historical facts.

The most interesting thing that has happened in my novel recently is that my MC kidnapped the villain. I'm not entirely sure how realistic it is, but it was at least smooth to write. Again, something to fix in editing.

Almost finished! Hopefully tomorrow will be the "winning" blog post.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

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