
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The End.

Total word count: 50,024
Words written today: 2, 235

As I promised, today is the winning post! I finished my novel about 5 minutes ago.

The month went by a lot faster than I thought. Honestly, I'm glad it's over. It's hard to write tons of words every day. I will miss writing every day though. Even though my novel isn't perfect and won't be for a long time, I've really grown to love my characters. I was teary eyed when I wrote my final chapter and it's not even sad. I'm teary-eyed now, maybe I should go to bed. It's probably my lack of sleep for 28 days that's done this.

I want to say CONGRATS to everyone who has done NaNoWriMo this year. Even if you didn't get to 50,000 words, it's a huge accomplishment to write so many words in a month. If you're not finished yet, you've still got tomorrow! You can do it, guys!

And with this, I close my NaNoWriMo blog posts for this year. I'm going to go to bed now and enjoy not worrying about a word count.

Chazak Amats!

P.S. I'll probably start blogging about the first round of editing before long, so stay tuned!


  1. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!! *high fives me twin*

  2. Congrats Girly!!! I'm glad you made it!!

    I tagged you on my blog. :)

  3. Thanks so much, everyone!! :D

    Haley--I'll go check it out.

  4. Hey, Katie! This is Madison from Apologetics. I was wondering where I could look at your other books. When I search for you on the only one I see is Moonbeam(which I am going to download in just a second :). Congratulations on your fifth (?) book!!!! I know this is kind of weird for someone you don't really know, since I've only chatted with you on Landry. :) I love writing as well, and have started who knows how many books, but I always get a writer's block on that one book and start another one. :) Do you give yourself a schedule or something to get one done in a month (!)?

    1. Hey Maddy!

      My other books are actually not published. They're still in (very) rough draft format. And I'm going to be to starting on my fifth soon, actually. Still noodling that idea around. ;)

      I don't have a schedule...I just start a new one whenever I have the idea fleshed out enough. :P Two of my novels were done with the One Year Adventure Novel program and I sort of went by their schedule/outline for writing. Moonbeam and One Thirty Six were both my NaNo's and this next one I'll just write when it's planned. I probably should have at least a loose schedule, but I don't at this point. :P

      Feel free to email me: :)


    2. Cool! I want to take the One Year Adventure Novel program but I haven't had a chance to yet. So a NaNo is just writing 50,000 words in 30 days? I would like to try! :) Thanks for replying. I can't wait to read your book(s)!

    3. One Year Adventure Novel (OYAN for short) is absolutely amazing--I'd recommend getting it sooner, rather than later. They have a writing contest every year that you can submit your novel too. OYAN also hosts a Summer and Winter Writing Workshop. I just got back from the Winter one yesterday, actually. :)

      Yes, for NaNo you try to write at least 50,000. My original goal was 70k, but I don't think I'll get there until editing. We'll have to see. :)

      Thank you for showing interest! Looking forward to hearing from you. :)

  5. Good luck! I'm starting mine tomorrow and hopefully I'll make it!
